
What is Rasamani?

All metals are naturally in solid from except Mercury. Although it comes under the classification of a metal, Mercury is in semi-liquid form. Our ancient saints who are called Siddhas found the greatness of Mercury and its special effects when it is solidified.

Rasamani is Mercury Beads.

Mercury, a liquied metal, is one of the natural ore available from the Earth. It is made up of air and fluidity. Generally. We might have seen mercury in white colour. But they are available in red, yellow and pale blue colours also. But these colour Mercuries are rare varieties. According to Vaadha vaithiyam*, these rare mercuries are considered as one of the arsenic types. Since it consists of arsenic characteristics, Siththars also called it as “soodham”.

Mercury is used in many ways as rasa pathangam, rasa parpam, rasa sendhooram for medicinal purposes. When it is made into a hard solid ball, it is known as Rasamani*. The transformation of mercury intoRasamani is just a part of alchemy. The process of separating fluid and air from mercury was secretly maintained and also kept as a secret. If we wear this Rasamani, it gives us more benefits. It helps to cure diseases like paralysis, Phlegm, bile an dkeeps the body function properly.

Rasamani, naturally, has the grasping power and it absorbs the power of any material and reflects it. Hence people who wish to attain wisdom through the yogic way use rasamani.

Mercury possesses many qualities and it gives benefits in the the way the Rasamani is made. Siththars had advised various methods of making the mercury in to rasamani. The methods differ from easy level to hard level depending upon the Guru’sPreaching. Siththars conveyed their experience of making the Rasamani to the people for their benefits.

*Rasamani-solid mercury balls *Vaadha Vaithiyam-A medical practice used to heal diseases using Alchemy.

RASAMANI is created from a liquid formof mercury that has beencleansed and purified using a herbal decoction infused with medicinal properties.
The Siddhars have foretold that wearing RASAMANI (after attaining spiritual prowess)

  • Anima-Shrinking Objects
  • Mahima-Expanding Objects
  • Lahima-Making Objects Weightless
  • Karima-Making Weightless Objects Extremely Heavy
  • Prapththi-Unrestricted Access to All Places (Dimensions)
  • Pirakamiyam-Realising Whatever One Desires (E.g. assuming the form of a phoenix)
  • Eesathuvam-Possessing Absolute Lordship
  • Vasithuvam-Power to Subjugate All

***The alchemical energies of Rasamani and Navapashanam bead work best for the individual who has pure and good intentions of the desired outcome.

The Benefits having the “RASAMNI”

By wearing the ball made of “RASAMANI” in our body we can walk speedly without tired. By doing pooja to the deities made with “RASAMANI” we can easily get rid of all the evil spirits of our family, trade & business. By keeping the ball made of “RASAMANI” we can stabilize the changes caused du;e to the natu;ral changes like thunder, lightning, rain and over sunlight. No harmful insects of snakes will trouble us. It is very sure that you would be having and extraordinary satisfaction with your life partner in the bed times by keeping the “RASAMANI BALL” in body. If we keep the “RASAMANI” balls madae as 16beads maalais&perform pooja to those beads, we will very surely see the Almighty. We can have the super most power in aakarshanam (pulling of other’s mind towards us) by doing pooja to the “RASAMANI BALLS”. By performing milk & honey abisheka to the idols like Sri Ganesha, Muruga, Shivaling & Sri ambal made of “RASAMANI” & intake the milk & honey, we can have a very good health, wealth & all the things we need in our life. By performing pooj to the shivalingam, made with the nilne minerals called as NAVAPAASHANAM (”RASAMANI”), found by the Siddhar “Sri Bhogar”, it is very sure that we will get the blessings of Lord Shiva. By intaking the milk, dipped with the “RASAMANI” balls after taking the balls out. It is sure that we will get ride of problems like tired, body pain, pre-mature&quick ejaculation, paralysis, hydracles, and all kinds of skin disorders and it is very sure that we will have a very good physkical strength, metal strength and energetic & pure blood.

Types of “RASAMANI”

  • Jothi Mani
  • Tharagai Mani
  • Vallaba Mani
  • Pethana Mani
  • Vajjira Mani
  • Mathana Mani
  • Nava Mani
  • Gnana Mani
  • Vaalai Rasamani
  • Tambana Rasamani
  • Siddha Rasamani
  • Navaneedha Rasamani
  • Thoduppu Rasamani
  • Siravana Rasamani
  • Suttha Rasamani
  • Ninmala Rasamani
  • Atchaya Rasamani
  • Indira Rasamani

The most important and beneficial “Rasamani”:

  • Jothi Mani
  • Nava Mani
  • Siddha Rasamani
  • Atchaya Rasamani

Jothi Mani Benficial

Mani which absolves and sets right the astrological imbalances)

* Men can wear it in neck and women can keep in purses.

* Astrological planetary imbalances are rectified.

* Amplifies the goodness.

* Reduces the sufferings.

Nava Mani Benficial

(Mani which subjugates abundances).

* Men can wear it in neck and women can keep in purses.

* Contains the previous Grahadhoshanivarthi rasamani powers infused.

* Victory over Exams, Lawsuits and Functions.

* Dark forces are repelled.

* Subjugation of abundances in work and business.

* Attainment of powers possible.

* Happiness in family.

* Victory over deeds when focused properly.

Siddha Rasamani Benficial

(Mani which grants vigor)

* Contains the powers of Siddha Rasamani (Raja Vasiya Mani).

* Infused wiwth herb decoction, prevents and sets right the ailments.

* Wore in Hip

* Stabilizes the VATHA, PITHA and KAPHA and cures the ailments related to the imbalance of the three.

* Keeps body energized.

* Aura Amplified.

* Happiness in family.

* Blood flow stabilized, no Blood pressure issues arise thus no paralysis ever.

* Asthma prevented and cured.

* Increases vigor in intercourse.

* Sliding to the back when in intercourse, increases the stamina.

Atchaya Rasamani Benficial

(Hormone Imbalance rectifying specialty Mani)

* Must be wom in hip.

* Contains the powers of Atchaya Rasamani Mani.

* Suppress diabetes.

* Balances the hormones.

* Keeps body energized.

* Improvers eyesight.

* Rectifies insomnia.

* Cures Joint pains.

* Constipation relaxant.