
Herb Rasamani-Navaphashanam Rasamani

Natural Medicinal (Siddha) Rasamani, Navaphashanam Rasamani, discovered by the Siddhas. Mercury + Gold + Silver + Navabhashanam + Herbas + sage + 108 Herbs will be used to tile a divine rasamani. Navaphashanam-Rasamani. The benefits of Rasamani and Navaphashana Mani are numerous. Both men and women can wear it. By wearing this bell, Vada,Pithama and Kapha will be balanced. Heart Block will not occur, eyesight will be better, Memory will increase. Physical injury. May be young. Will not get tired, will not be approached by evil forces. Increases immunity in the body and can get rid of other diseases. Maintain Physical Strength and Health. Rasamani and Navaphashana mani remove doshas and obstacles. Ejaculation, and more....

What is Rasamani?

Mercury, which is a powerful substance on earth, which is said to be Lord Shiva’s “Navanidhi” and can be crushed by touch, was used in the way of making it smokeless and tying it into beads. The Siddhas who have attained Kayasidhi use this as Kanakulika, Sutaka Kulika. A feast. The name Since there is no greater meaning than this, the Siddhas have taken Rasamani as the mainstay of Siddha Medicine. Rasamani has many greatnesses (Many Cures).

Magnificences of Rasamani, an invention of the Siddhas:

Mercury, which is a powerful substance on earth, which is said to be Lord Shiva’s “Navanidhi” and can be crushed by touch, was used in the way of making it smokeless and tying it into beads. The Siddhas who have attained Kayasidhi use this as Kanakulika, Sutaka Kulika. A feast. The name Since there is no greater meaning than this, the Siddhas have taken Rasamani as the mainstay of Siddha Medicine. Rasamani has many greatnesses (Many Cures).

  • Holders of Rasamani also have the grace and blessings of Siddhas.
  • Rasamani has the power to protect the wearer from natural calamities such as Thunder, Lightning, Volcano, Earthquake, Earthquake Storm, sea turbulence, etc.
  • Neither the fatal attacks of wild beasts, nor the deadly poison of venomous beasts do anything to those who wear the Rasamani.
  • Mantrikam for those who have Rasamani. Not even the pranks of the devils can come close.
  • The body of those who swallow the saliva after swallowing the Rasamani will be cleansed. Narai, Muppu, Sakkadu, do not approach them.
  • If Rasamani is put in milk, the color will not change and the nature will not change.
  • Those who are in Rasamani will receive Attamati Animati Siddhis.
  • Those who accompany Rasamani will succeed in whatever they intend to do.
  • Vasya Shakti will Reach the wearers of Rasamani.
  • Rasam should be built as a bell.
  • By wearing this bracelet normally on the body, there will never be any fatigue. And it can happen quickly.
  • May you be forever young and never waning in spirit.
  • To wear Rasamani on the waist area will reduce sperm count. You can also have sex with the girl for a long time.
  • Rasa should be divided like a cup for drinking milk. If you pour milk into the Rasakkuvalla divided in this way and keep it for some time, drink it and you will be free from diseases and look young forever.
  • Rasamani should be worn from neck to chest. Rasamani Navaphashanam Rasamani has good powers as well.
  • With Rasamani, inferior metals can be turned into high-quality gold.
  • Collecting Rasam in Liquid form, tie it into a bead and add many nutrients to it, and with the help of mantra, it can be used as a bathrobe and can travel in the sky and penetrate into many universes.
  • Not only that, with this Rasamani you can perform various types of saranas and change the body into a balanced body. And many miracles can be performed with the Rasamani.

Benefits of Wearing Rasamani

  • By wearing Rasamani it cures Rheumatism, Kapha, Bile, and keeps the body functioning properly.
  • Rasamani naturally vibrates energy of any material. So people who want to attain enlightenment through the path of Yoga can use Rasmani.
  • By wearing Rasamani, it protects against natural hazards, increases life, and guards against evil. It also protects against wild animals.
  • Make a Rasamani or Shivlingam and use it for home, trade, and business.
  • Rasamani can be worn by men and women to get rid of evil spirits by worshiping Shivlingam.
  • Rasamani binds semen by wearing it around the neck or waist, and it will help in many ways.
  • Rasamani naturally has good vibrational quality.


Physically and Mentally while wearing these pure beads Changes will happen. The Positives are overwhelming.

  • When spiritual friends wear Rasamani and Navapashanam Mani, a new Shiva should be worshipped and worn in Kavil. Pradosham, Shivarathri, and Poornami should be selected for worship and wearing.
  • When wearing Rasamani and Navapashanam Mani, recite Shiva Mantra, Vinayagar Mantra, Siddha Mantras, and suitable mantras 18, 48, or 108 times and wear. While reciting the Mantra, keep the bell in the right palm and cover.
  • Avoid eating non-vegetarian food, especially pork curry while wearing bells. Eating beef should be avoided as well. Undal Mani does not grant blessings if consumed. Eating other meats is at His discretion.
  • The mind should be full of good intentions while wearing the bell. What we think comes back to us. If we are filled with evil thoughts, the Mani will not be fruitful and will not stay in our hands. It has the power of Rasamani and Navapashanm Mani Panchabhutas (Vital Energy).
  • The Mani worn by spiritual devotees should be placed in a glass tumbler with 100 grams of cow’s milk on the new moon or full moon day. The next day, wash it with plain water or lemon juice. The bell takes the energy in the milk and absorbs it into the milk plant and tree. Don’t pour milk down the drain. Put the bell in 100g milk in a glass tumbler.
  • Take off the bell when we sleep, thereby rubbing the bell. breaking down etc. can be avoided.

Real Rasamani Functions and Qualities

Physically and Mentally while wearing these pure beads Changes will happen. The Positives are overwhelming.

When mercury binds, the solution is like butter. Roll it in the palm of your hand and make a hole in the coconut shell and keep it in water for three days. Bright as the sun. When you wear that rasamani around your neck, you can feel peace of mind and body strength. That is (internal and external), rasamani is changeable. Only if the color changes it is rasamani. This is what the Siddhas are. The Rishis. The sages have given the instructions for making rasamani in books and songs (1) Mercury should be hammered for 4 hours a day (4 days) (2) Doshas in mercury should be removed (3) Mercury should be tied with herbal (108) juice. (4) Irasamani Puda (Herb leaves should be put. (5) rasamani should be made into a mantra. A real rasamani will give many benefits, it will break if it is blown, if it is exposed to fire, it will burst or explode. This is called Deivikamani.

Counterfeit Bells Lead(m)bells, Carium bells functions

asamani. Its price ranges from Rs.50 to Rs.750. Temples. This mani is spread in shops and neighborhoods. Skin diseases, doshas when this bead is worn by spiritual friends. And deadly diseases, memory loss. Nervous disorders. Innumerable diseases like mood swings, insomnia, etc. will come. There will be no use. They color the lead beads like gold and keep them shining so much that it catches the eyes and soul. They distill the lead and cast it in moulds, then drill holes and paint it gold and sell it for no benefit, loss of money and loss of mind. Even if it is placed under a lead lorry tire, it will remain so. Melts in 1 hour if exposed to fire. Hitting it with a hammer will cause it to shrink a bit. This bead will create impact. Care should be taken while buying rasamani.

Mercury Shiva Lingam

It is said that by worshiping Mercury Shiv Lingam, one can easily get many times more benefits than the benefits obtained by worshiping crores of Shiva Lingams. Shastra Puranas. Anyone can worship Mercury Shiv Lingam and enjoy all material pleasures and attain Paramabhata. By worshiping Mercury Shiv Lingam, one can get rid of all sins and attain salvation. The only best and easiest way to get long life, health, wealth and everything we want in our life is to worship Mercury Shiva Lingam. Lord Shiva himself has said that I prefer the lucky person who has visited the Mercury Shiva Lingam more than the one who has visited the twelve Jyotirlingams. It is enough for any man to worship the Bhadraslinga once, he will have virtue and meaning in his life. The siddhis of pleasure and home are obtained. The benefits of worshiping a thousand renowned lingams are more than a crore of lingams.

  • Rasamani with divine powers, and Navabhashanam mani benefits
  • Wearing Rasamani balances Kapha, Pitta, and Vata.
  • Wearing Rasamani increases lifespan.
  • Wearing Rasamani can make you feel young and energetic and never fade away.
  • By wearing Rasamani, it protects against the effects of witchcraft, sorcery, and evil.
  • By wearing Rasamani, it corrects the effects on the body.
  • Wearing Rasamani is a cure for body injuries.
  • By wearing Rasamani, the body gets refreshed and does not get indigestion.
  • Vasya Shakti will reach those who have Rasamani.
  • Doshas and obstacles will be removed by wearing Rasamani.
  • Rasamani is used to develop business and get business. By wearing Rasamani, Siddhas and Ancestors will get blessings.
  • Rasamani is naturally medicinal.
  • Natural disasters due to wearing Rasamani have protective power.
  • Rasamani is naturally medicinal.

What is Navapashanam Material?

The Nine medicinal minerals used in the process are Veeram, Pooram, Rasam, Jathilingam, Kandagam, Gaur Pasanam, Vellai Pasanam, Mridharsingh and silasat.
What is Navapashanam? Navapashanam is an alchemical combination formulated more than 5,000 years ago by Sant Bogar. Navapashanam can be used to wear, put into water to drink *(disclaimer applies). Or for worshiping and experiencing miraculous result in terms of good health, inner stability and profusion.
Benefits of NavaPashanam? Navapashanam is known to contain extremely high positive energy or be considered as a master medicine. Navapashanam acts as a catalyst to awaken the Self that then knows how to transmute negative energy into positive energy. *Rarely Available because of its closely guarded secret formula and highly sought after by people all over the world. This has become a phenomenon for an individual's seek for good health, good energy, good life force, wealth and abundance.

  • Rasamani with divine powers, and Navabhashanam mani benefits
  • Wearing Rasamani balances Kapha, Pitta, and Vata.
  • Wearing Rasamani increases lifespan.
  • Wearing Rasamani can make you feel young and energetic and never fade away.
  • By wearing Rasamani, it protects against the effects of witchcraft, sorcery, and evil.
  • By wearing Rasamani, it corrects the effects on the body.
  • Wearing Rasamani is a cure for body injuries.
  • By wearing Rasamani, the body gets refreshed and does not get indigestion.
  • Vasya Shakti will reach those who have Rasamani.
  • Doshas and obstacles will be removed by wearing Rasamani.
  • Rasamani is used to develop business and get business. By wearing Rasamani, Siddhas and Ancestors will get blessings.
  • Rasamani is naturally medicinal.
  • Natural disasters due to wearing Rasamani have protective power.
  • Rasamani is naturally medicinal.

Navapashanam to Awaken Self for our Natural Healing

It is believed that it will stimulate the inner self in order to revive and activate our body system. By pouring the bead in water and drinking it. And therefore all kinds of ill energy and will eliminate diseases. Our True Nature is high cosmic life force that has a self healing and Invigoration ability. The result of drinking the elixir* is an awakened boost of creative & spiritual power. With and awakened creative and spiritual power, an individual will have the deep clarity and understanding necessary to health themselves. Navapashanam is known to contain extremely high positive energy. Navapashanam acts as a catalyst to awaken the Self that then knows how to transmute negative energy into positive energy. To transform dis-ease into ease. The Awakened Self purifies the blood, strengthens the central nervous system as well as the digestive, endocrine and immune systems. Navapashanam restores youthful vigour by rebalancing the internal five elemental energies, earth, water, fire, wind and ether.As per described by Sant Bogar in his scriptures-Navapashanam also helps with these Health Issues: *Skin diseases*High cholesterol*improve digestive problems*Lung infections*Cleanse the kidneys, intestines and liver*Stage 1&2types of cancer*Improve muscle mass, joint mobility, exercise and sports performance.*increase oxygen level in blood cells and purify the blood.*Diabetes*High Blood Pressure*Protect the body from free radical cell damage. ***The alchemical energies of Navapashanam bead work best for the individual who has pure and good intentions of the desired outcome.

Navapashanam for Business Wealth:

The Pleasant and positively associated employees within and organization are key to its business growth and long term vision. It activates the flow of energy within the environment. If you place Navapashanam bead/Vigrah in the North-east direction of your office or home. Also it allows the inflow of positive energy of abundance into your office and home. If you have ever wished to have more profusion energies for your business or home. The alchemical bead/Vigrah of Navapashanam will help you connect to your desired positive outcome. Navapashanam for High Cosmic Energy to Balance & Harmonies all Chakras Dipping the Navapashanam bead in water and drinking it awakens the Self. Navapashanam awakens the Self to balance all energy centres called chakras, and to regenerate reproductive systems. The awakened self knows how to reverse all kinds of ill energy and to actively rejuvenate the body. ***The alchemical energies of Navapashanam bead work best for the individual who has pure and good intentions of the desired outcome. Navapashanam for Career Opportunity & Stability Navapashanam instantly boosts your energy Levels and heightens your 'Aura of Success' in your work environment! You will be more positively connected with your colleagues or employees and customers, hence raising the work performance doubt. The energies of Navapashanam also greatly helps with productivity and motivation. It protects you from low energies and boosts your energies when you need to catch a break. The Navapashanam helps you to maintain great energies, the best way to take your career to the next level of success. This Picture is Original Herbal Rasamani 18in Types and Navapashanam Mani and Herbal Vinagar, Herbal Murugar, Herbal Lingalm, Herbal Nandh and All Navapashanam Statue

He who has destiny gets the bell, but only he who has the blessing of saan gets the bell on his neck.

To all Shiva Souls. For Sivanatirs, and Country Medicine Shop, Metal Shop, Spiritual Pooja Shop, etc

Herb Rasamani 1g Rs.300/-Navapashanam Mani 1g Rs.400/-

What are Rasamani, Navapashanam mani sutshams, life energies?

In Rasamani, Navapashanam mani is the vital energy of Pancha Buddhas - earth, water, air, sky and fire. Also the energies of Navagrahas- Rahu, Ketu, Moon, Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn. Natham+Vindum Ana=Irasam. Andam and Pindham are Shiva, Shakti, Irasamani, Navapashanam Mani Atoms, (Apanjna) Electron+Neutron=Proton+=Bastron. Bastron means universe. Earth's gravity is full of magnetic force, which can represent the universe. It is the powerful Irasamani and Navapashanam mani. A mani properly and properly performed by divine siddhas will bring the best and permanent change. All the beads we make are 100 percent handmade with herbs and spices.Siddhas, Sages, Mahans, Rishis can build this divine rasamani with 100 percent jatilinga mercury, 108 herbs like salt, Virali juice. rasamani made of Virali Jayaneer, Guru Marundu, Guru Sunnam, Iraschenduram and Herb Putam (Saranai) is the highest type.

Rasamani and Navapashanam Description of Natural Treatment

  • Take a glass tumbler and pour 200 grams of water into it. Place both Rasamani and Navapashanam Mani in the glass tumbler. Drink the water in it the next morning. Do this for 18 days.
  • Take a glass tumbler and pour 200 grams of water into it. Place both Rasamani and Navapashanam Mani in the glass tumbler. Add a Vilvam leaf or two or three leaves of Mahavilvam in water. Drink the water in it the next morning. Do this for 18 days.
  • Take a glass tumbler and pour 200 grams of water into it. Place both Navapashanam Mani in the glass tumbler. Add two or three leaves of Tulsi or black Tulsi in water. Drink the water the next morning. Do this for 18 days.
  • Take a glass tumbler and pour 200 grams of cow’s milk into it. Place both Rasamani and Navapashanam Mani in the glass tumbler. Drink cow’s milk after 4 hours and do this for 18 days.
  • Take a glass tumbler and pour 200 grams of Rose water into it. Place both Rasamani and Navapashanam Mani in the glass tumbler. Drink the rose water in it the next morning and do this for 18 days.
  • Take a glass tumbler and pour 200 grams of fresh water into it with Rasamani. Place both Navapashanam Manis in the glass tumbler. Drink water after 4 hours and do it only two days a week. Immunity will increase, Nadis and Nerves will be strengthened. Vata, Pitta, Kapha will be balanced. The heart does not stop and the Chakras in the body work well. (Subtle Chakra) may be active. Doshas will go away. Physical diseases will be completely reduced. Positive energy will come and more.......